Vaughan Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy: What It Is and How It Can Help

Vision therapy is a non-surgical procedure that is customized and designed to correct visual-motor or perceptual-cognitive deficiencies. Vision Therapy at Vaughan Optometry comprises of a series of activities customized to fit the patient’s needs and are under the supervision of our optometrist and vision therapist. The main objective of vision therapy is to allow the brain to work with the eyes more smoothly by changing the way the patient processes or interprets visual information.

Vision therapy at Vaughan Optometry is a specialty service that our office offers. We are one of the few clinics in Vaughan that offer this. We treat patients with non-refractive issues such as amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed eye), convergence insufficiency, and accommodation (focusing) issues. Vaughan Optometry also helps those suffering from concussion and traumatic brain injury (TBI) symptoms such as diplopia (double vision), dizziness, and light sensitivity.

Services used in vision therapy include a series of neuro-visual activities that are tailored to the individual needs of a particular patient. Patients will first undergo a binocular vision assessment with the doctor and then enroll in vision therapy sessions on a weekly basis. The activities in each session are aimed at helping these patients develop or improve fundamental visual skills and abilities, whilst enhancing how the brain interprets visual information. These activities range from the use of lenses and prisms, games in free-space, computer-assisted visual activities to non-computerized viewing instruments. Compared to other forms of eye exercises, vision therapy is an active process whereby the whole visual system, the eyes, brain and body are actively engaged.

Success rates vary from one patient to another. The type of problem one has could affect the effectiveness of the therapy, the age of the patient and the frequency of the sessions themselves. On the other hand, research has also proven that a large number of patients do see great improvement in their vision with consistent therapy sessions that are professionally guided by optometrists.

It is similarly important to understand that vision therapy does not replace glasses but works with or without them. It is not a magic cure; it is therapy, and like any therapy, active participation is required from both the therapist and patient along with completion of daily take-home exercises. In specific learning difficulties, improved functions of vision through vision therapy lead to clearer advancements in reading and writing and allow kids to excel at school.

Vision therapy offered at our Vaughan optometrist office can provide new possibilities for the patient suffering from a visual condition. Highlighting the holistic approach that distinguishes it from other eye care techniques, vision therapy can contribute much to improving the quality of life by enhancing one's most vital sensory system - their vision.

The information provided is for general information purposes only and not intended to replace professional care. Please consult a professional for advice and diagnoses so you can be properly treated for your specific situation.